Lost Pause Wiki

Lily's Day Off is a game part of the Lily series that includes this game and Lily's Night Off. There's also a good portion of murder thrown in there, but let's not focus too much on it.

Page List:[]

Page 1: How to kill anime lolis

Page 2: Putting on the man pants

Page 3: Meet Mr. Chainsaw

Page 4: Aaaaaand, she's in a coma

Page 5: Something kind of normal?

Page 6: Maids and nuking the world

Page 7: A yandere swimsuit loli

Page 8 (finale): Cookies and becoming Lily's slave

Episode List:[]

Episode 1: How to kill anime lolis

Episode 2: Putting on the man pants

Episode 3: Meet Mr. Chainsaw

Episode 4: Aaaaand, she's in a coma

Episode 5: Something kind of normal?

Episode 6: Maids and nuking the world

Episode 7: A yandere swimsuit loli

Episode 8 (finale): Cookies and becoming Lily's slave

Game Links:[]

Computer Version

Android Version

(Noble is on the front page!)
